mercredi 20 avril 2011



ADPD is Action of development for Hopeless People. It is a non government organization of development and defense of human rights. Registered law No004 of July 20th,2001. concerning the non profit organization in Congo/Kinshasa, and having its own status and interior rules order officialized and recognized by the justice minister under the certificate No 023/Just/-Dh/DP-NK/2006 and by the minister of social affairs through the certificate No 08/DIVAS/n-K/AS/056/2006.
we are working to the local and national level in order to promote the respect of human rights in our country. we are in charge of local and national problems but we are collaborating with regional and international cluster ready to empower us, and improving the human rights situation.



In 2004, December 12th, in Goma town situated in the North Kivu Province, Eastern part of the DRC, a group of 11 people including the technicians in development, lawyers, sociologists, economists and managers gathered to diagnostic the socio-security status and humanitarian of people of the East DRC.
it was observed that people living in the East DRC are frustrated by the civilian ,ethnical , rebels and military conflicts. this situation of war and general instabilities, the country its self was challenged in every corner. As many humanitarians came to help in different areas of crisis such as rehabilitations, reconstruction and the human stability in participating in the community life in that part of the country.
In fact, the human rights violations in the East of DRC continue and increase the number of victims. Deeply concerned by this dishonor situation, it pleased, it was a must for us to implement an Non Profit Organization named Action pour le Developpement des Populations Defavorisees “ADPD”, concerning the law and action in our country that gathering all the Non Profit Organizations.
In that engagement, we target the promotion of the human rights, in order to reduce the suffering and the poverty of the hopeless communities, such as: Pygmies, vulnerable women and children, the older people, victims from the conflicts and other similar groups.
It’s in this term we are defining the hopeless people by specifying the concept “Development” can bring different meaning.


ADPD has a mission to contribute for sustainable development for hopeless people and defend their rights.


ADPD executes its activities through four programs as following:

_ Promotion and defense of human rights
_ Humanitarian assistance to the vulnerable people.
_ Management and conflict resolution.
_ Sustainable development.

We intervene in all kind of situation relating to the human right violation such as false arrest, torture, discrimination, sexual harassment, murder and kidnapping .
We make awareness on good governance and the participative governance in creating the participative local comities for the auto support and explain to people how to vote and why it is important to participate to the election process.
These are the activities we are organizing in this domain:
-Monitoring the areas of detention to identify the facts relating to the violence of prisoners’ rights
-Advocate in favor of rejected pygmies families in their respective rural areas without compensations.
-To escort judicially the victims of sexual violence
-Awareness on the fight against all the kind of discrimination towards the women and children
-Educate people on civic education, to the democracy and to the elections.
-Produce the theaters (Sketches) for mass education on the principal of peace and respect of human rights.


We intervening in priority to the pygmies communities, abandoned older people, women and children.
It is important to mention that the pygmies constitute one of the groups the most vulnerable of Africa continent. In DRC their discriminated and their rights are often negligently by other socio classes and by themselves because they ignore their rights.
Concerning women and children, they constitute the majority of those who are the victims of violence and they are always the first targeted.

We have established the following activities:

- Social economic accompaniment to the victims of sexual violence
- The process to acquire the land in favor of pygmies communities
- Activities of auto taking in charge of the vulnerable people
- Emergency humanitarian activities
- Scholarship of pygmies children
- Distribution of school kits to orphans
- Assistance and reunification of street children
- Training of skills of hopeless people.

We organize activities on the reconciliation of different groups inter communities living in post conflict zone. We make awareness on the pacific cohabitation and straighten the peace, and the families reconciliation and mediation of land conflicts.

This program is complex because it has multi sectors, is constitute by 2 aspects:

- Management of environment, we are advocating the actions against the nature
- Food security (agriculture, breeding and fishing)
These activities are organized in the aim of helping the victims of the human rights violation to integrate in the communities.


-Morgan MUHIRWA: Coordinator
Telephones:+243995482040, +243853121647
-Mushumbi KIYANA YANGE,Progams manager
Telephone: +243991279842,+243812655400
Four many details, e-mail us on:,
-Physical address :Av. du Musé N°4, Q, HimbiI, Commune de Goma, Ville de Goma,dans la province du Nord Kivu


The Action for the Development of Hopeless People(ADPD)is allowed to work in all parts of the country(D R Congo), but because of its financial limite, it is still working in some provinces; especially in the eastern part of the country in which:

-The North kivu province
-The south kivu province
-The Maniema province